School Water Model

from the
Schools/ Anganwadis are places of learning, fun and most importantly they are glimpses of future in the present. Naandi Water makes it a priority that children in Government Schools and Anganwadis do not suffer with lack of safe water.While in many cases, the village water solution is installed – Schools face multiple challenges in carrying the water all the way from the centre to the school.

At less than Rs.1/- per day – we can solve this problem.

Naandi ensures that 100% safe drinking water free from contaminants reaches the Government schools and Anganwadis with your support.
How it Works
Waves of Hope

From an existing Naandi Water centre a water van carries safe water supplied to children in schools.
The Impact of School Water Model
Reduced absenteeism in schools because of improved health.
Safely cooked and better nutritious meals, a little more relaxation time for the school cooks.
Reduced bag weight on the shoulders of children, they need not carry bottles of water from home to school.
Better awareness on WASH related behaviours like hand-washing and different types of water contamination to children.
High School Children become agents of change in the village/habitation.
Children Impacted